Sunday, May 26, 2013


The beginning of my blog didn't originate on Spanish soil.
I was to eager to begin my trip.
I had already taken flight mentally and wanted an outlet to express that emotional anticipation.

I had been coming out of a difficult summer. The floor had been pulled out from under me. Four years flew by in a whirlwind of change; however, they were change of circumstances...adaptable ones at that.

I felt like I was the only one that was different...that believed in certain morals and philosophies...that understood that there is something missing here...where I was living. My reflection in the mirror echoed the pain I felt that I couldn't connect with my peers from home.

I spent the summer taking long walks, doing yoga, going to the beach, and babysitting two adorable boys to pass the time until the day arrived.

I haven't looked at my first post until right now...and, now, I an see myself so much more clearly.

 Now. To pack and prepare. To stream my wishes, dreams, hopes, thoughts, ideas, and expectations about the next ten months. List
In closing, I must reluctantly reveal that words, sentences, constructed prose, etc. cannot convey the pleasure the prospects of this trip have provided me with. The anticipation of this closely approaching distant reality rooted a Spanish seed within me--a separate pulse stimulating a new organ. Whether I return at the end of ten months having consumed my capacity, or I am given the privilege to stay and undertake whatever prospects there that I must indulge myself in, so be it. I hope that this blog is an outlet for not only myself, but, for those looking for inspiration to leave a life they constantly question, for those with the equitable sub-conscious angst I have right now in my pre-departure state, so that I may provide both solace and advice on how to prepare yourself for a similar experience, and for those back at home, that I may share my growing zeal and abroad-inspired stories that mark my life in a similar way that I would have texted you, made you listen to over coffee, or told you "you had to be there" about back at home. I am almost there.

None of the above are skills you can place on a resume. Nor are they basic tools everyone feels they should learn, or don't already have.
But, in this post, I realize the strength of my subconscious. I forgot that I had expressed this list, and continued to carry it with me in my memory. This list has been the driving force behind my endless adventures spawned by an endless lack of humility.

It's unbelievable how spot on I was about everything that may come in the future, in a generalized manner. Some days, I feel at max. capacity, and others, I imagine myself never leaving. Not only that, I still hope I have been able to inspire those of you that read this. That you feel empowered to take control of your life and do what you really want. I always believed in being a good person before anything else. I always tried to express that and put others before myself. I struck gold in Palma de Río...I have never had more people offer to take care of me, cook for me, come to their campo, etc etc. With love in the air and hearts bigger than the sun, they cultivate a pure form of compassion that is overflowing.

I am in love with Spain. I am in love with a place and a language and a culture. I will return with a bigger heart and a greater understanding of people, compassion, and the world outside my own backyard.

Now, it's time to see what has happened back on those rolling hills with amber waves of grain...

Whether, it's a permanent return or a visit back home, well, that's just something I can't foresee.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013


Your self.


Your self: the person you want to be.

Yourself: the person you are.

Is it connected to place, time, or an other self?

Is it made better or worse by any of the above variables?

How do you extract the variable you want to understand the way self exists it's natural state?

My self: what I see in the mirror, in pictures, and hear about myself from other people.

Myself: the mind, body, and soul I have control over...sometimes.

My self was born into a world of fortune. I have received many non-returnable gifts in this life.

Some people find these gifts early on and are able to channel them for good, or, for bad. Others may become blind by all the other variables that muddy the clarity and strength of their gifts as a controlled entity.

Who I am, is not very clear (easily comprehensible), but is one of the only things I see clearly.

I find these answers, clues, or images about my self through my connections with other people. I learn more about myself when I put myself out there and take a leap of faith and bound myself into situations of novelty and nuance.

I never stop learning...

I only keep forming, transforming, and reforming the self and perspective that I carry/wear (en español: llevar-- it's one word) with me through this labyrinth of life.

 From one home...
to another...

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

What inspires you?

What do you do that makes you smile?
What do you watch that makes chills run down your arm?
What do you listen to that warms your heart?

Find it.

It takes a while.

It's not easy.

It's not clear.

But, then, all of a sudden it hits you.

Maybe it wasn't what you were looking for...

You stop
and think...

This isn't the answer to my question...

...You keep going...

Maybe that piece of the puzzle will always be missing because you didn't stay long enough to let it realize itself...

Or maybe, just maybe, you are lucky enough that when you circle back, years later, you will get that second chance.

I believe in good people.

That's what I know--feel, do, see, and listen to.

They make me who I am.

Be a good person--love others & they will love you back.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Being twentysomething


Twenty is too young.

Twenty-one is just right.

Twenty-two is "Holy shit-- I feel old"

Twenty-three is "Wait..SHIT... I thought twenty-two felt old"

Twenty-four is "Am I established?"

Twenty-five is "Fuck I'm still in school!?" or "Shit...I should've stayed in school..."

Twenty-six is "Have I had a serious relationship yet?" or "When was the last time I had more than 5 hours of sleep...on a good night?"

Twenty-seven is... (well, for me I am generally musing anywhere between 24 and up...It's what I expect my brain to tell me)

This whole "twenty's dilemma" has been a huge theme... on television, in movies, on the Internet--the site of origin. All of us were born in the era of the Internet. Therefore, by default, our social representation is identified and defined by this alter realm--Facebook.

The "twenty's dilemma" is a direct effect from this overload of information and therefore, options.

How many of our parents have kept in contact with old friends from high school, elementary school, or even, college?

Did our parents live out of their car, did they travel the world, did they fall in love and then break up, but no one knew about it...?

Was your birth announcement published on Facebook? Your graduation? Your life?

Don't get me wrong Facebook has spawned some pretty interesting encounters and opportunities because someone's status informed me of their location...but, at the same scary is that?

Our parents were able to leave their houses, and our grandparents sat worrying, helpless, until the door opened.

Now, my parents ask me for pictures on WhatsApp in real time... (as I am hiking a mountain at 5pm in the afternoon and my mother has just awoken from her slumber begging me for an update)

This feeling of immediate gratification is irreversible. You can't NOT participate in the cyber world... nor can you survive in a world marked by endless options, endless choices, and therefore, endless pressure.

When I read this article I didn't know if I wanted to vomit, cry, or throw things at this person's glass window.

Let's begin from the bottom.

20. Building your dreams-DO THIS. Make money- DIRECT CAUSE OF LIVING THE DREAM.
18. Acting before learning.
-Again I don't understand this explanation... Stop having fun "going to clubs," because that will not make you a successful business man? And then, don't be someone else you aren' yourself? WTF? I think this person took their mom's quote book from Hallmark off the coffee table and incorporated it into a self-help article...
17. Better to have a few good ones, then too many so-so's
-Whether you learned this lesson from Judas, Sesame Street, or your personal life experiences, stating that relationships are founded on trust is not guiding me on how to avoid making a mistake.
-Obviously...any"advice" given by a rap song should probably not be regarded/or only regarded as "sound advice" (pun)
15. Need v. Want
-Again, rap songs are not real life. For instance, how many people do you know ride on boats all day in the sun singing/dancing with hot girls...? That's why this song is funny...
(hint: they don't have jobs...)
14. Family First
13. You are to blame
-I want to dissect this....

"Hold yourself accountable for everything. At the end of the day, all you have in the world is yourself — so go hard."
-What does "go hard" mean?

 "Don’t look to anyone for answers and instead of making problems, create solutions."
-I'm confused. I thought you said "family comes first?" So, if I do have a problem that could have been created naturally from entropy, I should just not ask anyone for advice. I'll figure it out myself...because that's how we learn (number 18). That makes sense...

"Whether it was that job you wanted, the funding you needed or the love you think you can’t live without, there is no one that can be held accountable in this universe except for you."
-So, I didn't get the, I don't have money. But, hey, number 20 says I'm building my dreams right? And number 19 says I shouldn't fall in love, so if I happen to meet someone I'm compatible with, and then decide that I need this new job, which I guess I don't end up getting, I fucked up right? Yes, it is all my fault...but, maybe, I shouldn't have read this stupid article that told me not to worry about money, but also not to spend what little money I have on whores, however, nor should I waste my time with love. And if I have a problem (like not getting a job), that's my fault also, so probably should just solve it myself (by asking the person why I didn't get the job)...? So, my conclusion is I'm broke, sexually deprived, and I have succumbed to living in my parents house and making home-made rap videos in my free time... (see number 15 link)

12. Entitled: "You don't deserve to rest"
-I believe now is the time to rest. To explore. To take advantage of the fact that you don't have any responsibilities and may not even know what is your life vocation... Why would you cause more problems for yourself buy trying to be someone you're not and not living life as it comes? Life is not synonymous with pursuing a good this article would like to believe.

11. Bad jobs don't teach you anything
"A bad job is like a bitchy girlfriend that gives bad head. "
If this is a metaphor for how to learn something from a difficult situation, then I have no idea why this person wants to learn how to give oral sex if he has a girlfriend... Please. If you haven't agreed with me up until this point, I think this is pretty point in blank obvious and ridiculous.

10. Be a leader
-"If you adjust to trends, you will be lost in the crowd...No one will be able to see you." So, you shouldn't have role models to give you ideas or guidance. Just figure it out or start your own trends... Like Amanda Bynes...

"It is your sole responsibility to inspire, encourage and drive those around you to success. "
-This is all you should be doing. It is not your "true friends'" responsibility to meet you halfway in a healthy friendship. Why aren't you being a hard-ass ( like I told you in number 13) and a philosopher (number 20) and a teacher all at the same time (number 17 specifically tells you NOT TO DO THIS--you should be learning)? Haven't you learned yet? Why are you acting this way? You are not staying true to yourself!

I have gotten us one more beyond halfway finished. 

I have taken a break/time-out because my brain is tired from trying to connect the illogical argument posed before me, of how a self-help article tailored for men is going to help our generation...

I don't even know if it could help an individual... 

Tuesday, May 7, 2013


Adjective: "lasting for a very short time."

Synonyms: "transitory--momentary--short-lived"

Antonyms: "everlasting--immortal--permanent"

Moments spawn relationships which breed memories which create both neural and emotional networks in the brain and soul that make whatever "ephemeral" time that passes worth what it was.

I live in the ephemeral.

And, in a month, I will be placed back in a place where this mentality allows you to breed nothing but frustration and worry. Frustrated that no one else lives this way and worry that a) you will never find anyone else that lives this way and b) therefore, you will never be happy.

My best and most interesting trips here have been meeting those new friends, peer teachers, and life-learners through Couchsurfing.

They understand the ephemeral. Something has happened to them on the other side of the Earth that allows them to relate whatever I'm experiencing.

They are interested in you and how you feel about what you are doing.

It's a compromise. You offer something and, whoever's interested bites at it. Rather than fishing for friends, you are actually selling yourself and your interests.

The sales platform: an ephemeral period of time where two or more people come together.
The similarity: they both are couchsurfers, alluding to an ideal state of mind of being open to accepting new people and new experiences.

Present: 1) "to make a gift to" 2) "now existing or in progress"

This mutual understanding or, sharing of similar interests, deals with "presence." The presence of someone novel is a gift. It gives the other person a chance to do something they've never done before in a new place with someone they've just met.

Maybe these aren't real relationships at all...Maybe they are covalent bonds....Maybe the strict definition of the construction of time seals the edges of an afternoon stroll, and vacuum seals someone's personality and ideas into an easily advertised package.


There are no expectations. The day proceeds and unravels as conversation quickly scrapes the surface into the deeper layers of what lies beneath. A motivation of "presence" in the "ephemeral."

This is what I will miss.

I'm excited to go back to familiar places and things--but, my experiences may never be the same.

I was on Spanish tv