I don't just admire the blunt commentary that comprises daily life...I participate in it. I am not shy about my poor Spanish skills... I say "repite," about 3 times every 3 sentences... They have accents here and whoever tells you that they are fluent after only two months is a liar...I am sure of it. Everyone wants to know if you have a boyfriend...because they have all known each other since they were 5 years-old and married the first person they started dating when they were 15...They don't hate the United States, but don't necessarily care to know more. First, because we are all over the TV. I think the people here knew more about the candidates than I...No, they didn't. They just knew they wanted Obama to win...because he is a democrat. And secondly, because, more likely than not, they will lead the rest of their lives here...Content and happy with the route their life has taken and will continue to follow. There are absolutely no young people...None. Zero. It is more like a large retirement home that takes place outside on the streets. Some of the older citizens choose to wear their dentures, and others...well, they elect otherwise. I've heard that gazpacho actually goes down easier without your teeth. There is one type of beer and two types of wine...There is no menu...Don't order without other Spaniards...Otherwise, you will be charged way more than is required. There is a "crisis" here..So, you are always reminded at least once or twice that "there is a crisis" during conversation...Normally to describe why one thing is different now than in the past. Food is so unbelievably cheap...I think I would stay here just to never have to spend $30 for one dinner of an appetizer, a drink, and a sandwich again. What a rip-off. Plus, the food here actually tastes so much better. Whatever you vegetarians think when you come here...like your life is about to end...or that all these Spaniards are going to vegetarian-hell for not respecting your way of life...you are crazy. Omg, the fish! The MEAT--pig. It's all about the pig. The cheeks, the hands, the stomach, the liver, the tail...They are thrifty here...I mean, com'on. It's a crisis. But guidi knows...guidi knows she is receiving the best food ever. A language tutorial that is incomparable to any other. But, I want to stress that living in a pueblo is not Madrid..not Barcelona... This is not frou-frou, city-life with bars on every corner (that's a lie too..there are bars, but not cafés or fancy shmancy institutions), discotecas, and whatever else exists in Madrid (I still have yet to visit...don't worry...I will...when I get my Spanish boyfriend to drive me there...so, I'm going to take this moment to propose my indirect plea to please channel some prayers my way to get me that Spanish boyfriend and donate to the cause...because all the Spaniards think it's so weird that I am so tall...or, that I don't have a boyfriend...they could be related....) But, so I have heard, the streets are covered in gold and all your children that studied abroad there I'm sure had fabulous experiences. And many people here have respect for the cities in the north. But, the life of Spain lives in the south. It lives in the campo...because, it is where traditional life continues. So what you don't have teeth? I've known you since I was born...and you didn't have teeth then either. No judgement passed. You are not one in a billion here. You are someone everyone knows, or has seen at least once a week during their walk to the grocery store. It is small. To get to the train, you take a bus that is the size of the vans that take your kids to away games in middle school. The train only has 5 available times to take you to the train or pick you up from it. Yes, they are very spread out, and, no, it is not convenient. The train also has 6 inconvenient times to take you an hour away to the nearest city. Oh, by the way, between 1:30-5:30, you can't do anything because everything is closed. So, you might as well go somewhere after 5:30 (IN THE AFTERNOON..night doesn't start until 8pm...because you don't eat dinner until 11pm). These are observations...not complaints. I deal with it...Either I'm really awake and get my ass up to the bus stop...Or I don't. It's that simple.
Spanish life. Aceitunas, vino, ham, and cheese. Siesta. Work to live...never, live to work.
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